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Component that can be used across the app to bind to various shortcuts


shortcutsShortcutInput / ShortcutInput[][]List of shortcut inputs types see types
disabledbooleanfalsedisable the shortcuts for the component


selectstring - key to listen to events (example: 'cmd + e')Observable<ShortcutEventOutput>Listen to specific key events (will only work for registered keys)

import { AfterViewInit, Component, ElementRef, OnInit, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";
import { ShortcutInput, ShortcutEventOutput, KeyboardShortcutsComponent } from "ng-keyboard-shortcuts";

selector: 'demo-component',
template: "<ng-keyboard-shortcuts [shortcuts]="shortcuts"></ng-keyboard-shortcuts>"
export class DemoComponent implements AfterViewInit {

shortcuts: ShortcutInput[] = [];
@ViewChild('input') input: ElementRef;

ngAfterViewInit(): void {
key: "ctrl + t",
preventDefault: true,
allowIn: [AllowIn.Textarea, AllowIn.Input],
command: e => console.log("clicked " , e.key)
key: ["? a"],
label: "Sequences",
description: "Sequence ? and a",
command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) => console.log("? a", output),
preventDefault: true
key: ["up up down down left right left right b a enter"],
label: "Sequences",
description: "Konami code!",
command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) => console.log("Konami code!!!", output),
key: "cmd + shift + f",
command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) => console.log(output),
preventDefault: true,
throttleTime: 250,
target: this.input.nativeElement
key: ["cmd + =", "cmd + z"],
command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) => console.log(output),
preventDefault: true
key: "cmd + f",
command: (output: ShortcutEventOutput) => console.log(output),
preventDefault: true
);"cmd + f").subscribe(e => console.log(e));

@ViewChild(KeyboardShortcutsComponent) private keyboard: KeyboardShortcutsComponent;
